
It’s terrible. 

Yea I would like her to call them out during her acceptance. Could divide the crowd  & expose more trash. 

I was thinking the same. It’s gotta be 50% at least, esp with 11-12 graders. A lot of liars or they polled more younger teens than older. 

I did see kids in school uniforms out at 10pm in Seoul. I assumed they were going home from tutoring. Didn’t see any go over balconies. 

I watch them too, because of my wife, usually on the Rakuten ap. She seems to stay away from the ones popular here. Sky Castle, Green Mothers Club, Hometown Cha Cha Cha were all pretty good. Sky Castle especially. 

Spent two weeks in S Korea last month. Several people there told me they wanted to visit America but were scared of getting shot. One other asked me if I had ever been shot. No sarcasm or irony in asking.  This is how we are seen by the rest of the world. 

Now playing

You Belong to the City was also featured on it. Just watched the video, it’s full of MV clips (despite Glenn walking around NYC)

I remember Phil Collins. Seems like Glenn Frey was on too, or maybe they just used his music. 

I liked both. Was a bit surprised how much of a shot for shot remake the Departed was. 

AV seems to really be pumping it up. It was ok, felt a little like a 70s movie. Nothing new though, I forgot about it quickly. Maybe younger viewers are seeing some things for the first time.

Calling these cheap slashers a cinematic universe is annoying. Unless it’s a slap at marvel then I like it.

If you don’t like what I like I hate you. It’s the American way. 

Story is completely forgettable, looks great though!

Too bad. Have fond memories of going when I was a kid. My dad worked in the industry and always took me. Best memory was the first Viper. Had to be 10 people deep trying to get a look. Being a kid I squeezed through. At that moment I vowed to own one someday, 25 years later I did!

They should have left this at one season. A second will just be a remake of the first with more ridiculous games and possible stunt casting (like Leo). 

Change Pac-Man back to the original Japanese Puck-Man then. 

Diminishing returns on these SW series. Mando was great, Boba & Obi not so much. Hopefully this is worthwhile. I do think Rouge One is the best Disney SW film. 

Keep him around forever. You wouldn’t kill Pac-Man, Ryu, or Lara Croft would you? Kiryu is an evergreen video game character now.

Nita Strauss quit her gig with Alice Cooper to join Demi. May regret that. 

I would not have thought that was Kiryu. Looks like someone who aged out of BTS.