
23 year olds don’t have cable. 

Senor Spielbergo can direct 

I like the Ocean movies. Would love another. Same crew, same gags, in Vegas. All those actors just go together so well. 

Good. He deserves it for messing with this scam.

Uh-oh, are my pogs worthless now? 

That wouldn’t be enough money to get Rogan

Yakuza did it surprisingly well. The few One Piece games I have tried were all terrible, maybe this will be different.

Scott is the lovechild of Clint and a flight attendant. I’m sure she is over the moon with this news. 

I dunno, goes to hell is unwatchable. The rest all have their moments. 

4 is the best one. Best cast for sure. 

Trade 3 for 6 and you got it. 6 is so overrated. 

They should have turned it into Afterlife with Archie after season 4 or 5. I suppose they could go out like that. Jughead eating everyone would get them some headlines.

She’s not gonna take it!

Loved it but HFW is a notch better.

Yea Jesus will be completely forgotten by then 

Miracle Mile is great. Charming love story mixed with 80s cold war paranoia. Is that when they got together? 

Any of the original voice actors doing this? 

Watched about half of Pleasure today after reading this interview. Couldn’t get through it, just too cringey & gross. I guess that may have been the point. 

Never understood the no sex with the wife thing... until I was married.