
Can I sue Scarlett for whitewashing Ghost in the Shell?

That’s because each one is sold twice. First to a scalper then to the end user.

That’s a real place? Very memorable episode, one of the best. 

Good point. I imagine a good portion of the Capitol rioters were at Woodstock 99. 

He was critical of Trump a few times but stopped short of denouncing him. Hard to say where he stands. 

He filled in for Lars once at a Metallica festival show. Pretty impressive to do that short notice.

I don’t buy the piracy excuse. People that pirate stuff would not pay for it otherwise.


Hulk Hogan gave his kid a Viper. You won’t top that.

So Army of the Dead without zombies? Oceans 11 remake?

Space Invaders was really the only game that did that. I do remember arcades having long rows of Pac-Man and Asteroids but there were other games too.

He’s better off. All those movies sucked. (Rouge One the exception) 

It’s so unfair. I spend an hour on elliptical to burn 700 calories (minus 30% according to this). Takes a couple minutes to eat it all back.

Rich person buys pop-punk career. Cynical but accurate. 

In the golden age of coin-op Joystik was king. I loved it.

Avatar is unwatchable. I’ll never forgive him for trashing such a great show. 

Both these guys are meatballs and barely passable as real actors. Unwatchable without everything exploding around them. 

Fuck Marky Mark. 

Friday the 13th The Final Chapter agrees.