oh Magoo, you've done it again...

Are you serious? Caddyshack is fucking hilarious, but there are chimps who get that it’s funny. Yeah it’s better than Happy Gilmore, but don’t think that just because something is old, it’s sophisticated. There’s a candy bar poop joke that lasts for 7 minutes.

Idiot. You’re supposed to yell “NOONAN!” at that point in his swing.

what you just saw was mileek inheriting the earth.

Incredibly bummed this isn’t just Magary in his living room in an ill fitting polo and cargo shorts screaming his head off and scaring his children.
Not mad, just disappointed.


Exactly what I’ve been saying since day 1. “The Last Jedi” is a pretty flawed movie (when we went out of the theater me and my friend’s reactions were something along the lines of “Well, alright then... I guess this happened”), but it’s got literally nothing to do with “liberals/Disney ruining Star Wars”. It was just

Chirrut absolutely has force abilites. Abilities honed over his decades long life. he probably would have been a jedi were it not for the empire. Also, he gets killed by a storm trooper who makes a lucky shot. Either he’s a capable force user, a pawn being actively controlled by the force itself, or he’s a crazy old

I agree with you on so many points. I absolutely hated TLJ and my opinion has not changed for the positive at all in the three or so weeks since I’ve seen the movie. I hate that I have been getting lumped in with these anti-social “red pills” or whatever, because I don’t share their politics one iota. But I still

I did like the themes Lucas tried to touch upon in the prequels: Fall of a Republic, rise of the Emperor, arrogance and indulgence of the Jedi. People can fight me here, but I also liked the world building in general. It was new yet remained familiar and Star Wars-y on certain levels.

Storm Drain Annie is my new favourite Tomsula character

Choke the Raven nevermore.

This is the Snakes on a Plane of sports.

Not a hell of a lot going on. Still too far away to get up for football unless you’re ESPN. Most of the moves have been made in the NBA. I assume NHL players are hibernating. MLB had an all star break. Giri can only do so many posts about Field Sized Ping Pong. Not an Olympic or World Cup summer.

This is a fucking stupid argument. On all sides.

this poor woman had breast reduction surgery only to have her moment taken away by a massive boob.

He should be glad he didn’t whiff on those fingers Nadal’s constantly picking his butt with.

She more than deserves an Emmy for her role on Legion. She’s a fucking force of nature.