oh Magoo, you've done it again...

I had a boss (who I must say - I loved to death!) who would send professional emails in bold, purple, 14 point Comic Sans. Engineering company, lots of serious business. Drove me INSANE.

God dammit. I finally think of a witty kinja zinger and someone already beat me to the...ugh.

Sorry but I have to guess-ask: roller derby? I was a member of the community for a spell and I loved the sport and “inclusiveness” but that also came with no regulations on trans women (at least when I was with it). Especially in a contact sport, it has never sat well with me.

Hot take: it had an obtuse, cobbled-together premise that made no sense, and was bad.

I had the same experience. Actually beat SaS and loved the journey and art. DS I played enough to finally “get” the fun...and then I got to some boss with some esoteric/arcane requirement to defeat...and there was literally no way you could possibly know that requirement ahead of time. No thanks.

Something else I haven’t really seen mentioned - it’s also goddamn Nebraska. Not exactly a stronghold of progressive values. Some of you need to realize your beef is with the people of Nebraska, not with their representatives, because these are genuinely the only kinds of Democrats that have even the slightest

My wife: “It’s just fruit mold, it’s fine.”

Wtf is fruit mold?

Also anyone else notice that they leave the best-friend’s storyline completely unresovled? She never apologizes or anything, then the movie just ends.

+1 teen witch reference

made my teen daughters watch this last week, laughed like a maniac the whole way through.