Magnus Genioso

Screen Name/Comment synergy…

I really want to love this band. The soundscapes are excellent, the drum sound is right up my alley. It's aggressive and unique in all the right ways. But the lyrics are so banal I just can't get past two listens without shelving it.

The worst part of this article. Some of these songs don't have key changes. As someone pointed out, "Hey Jude" stays in F, but I believe Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone" also doesn't have one. G major, a very obvious key to begin with, is employed all the way through.

Best Britpop band? Oasis? Pulp? Blur? All wrong.

"Early period" NIN? How about "every period" of NIN?

Thank Georgia, I'm not alone!

I never considered St. Vincent "hipster" music. It's just good art rock. Someone picked up the Bowie baton (and his pianist) and ran with it. And thank goodness for that, we need more art back in rock right now. It's so… bland.

Anyone else think Buckingham out-aggro'd Trent on "Copy of A?"

I wish Josh Homme had gone on one of his profanity-laced stage tirades under those credits. Served CBS a healthy plate of righteous indignation.

Do people still "slaver" over Kurt Cobain? There's far more quasi-religious fervor at Strawberry Fields in NYC and Graceland than there is at Kurt's little park in Aberdeen.

But what about sequencing?

Well, rap did give them "Daydream Nation" in that Nick Sansano cut his teeth recording Public Enemy before producing "Daydream."

Rick Allen doesn't play on Hysteria. It's all drum samples, believe it or not.

Nope. No way.


That's odd. I've been asked to do a column called HateJoke and the first comic that sprang to mind was Jeselnik for his awkward rape routines that got Tosh in such hot water only months ago.

Oh, and Louis Jordan's "Jack, You're Dead!"

"Surprise! You're Dead!" - Faith No More