
Totally agree it isn’t a toggle-switch thing. It would take at least a quarter of a century, mainly in order to let much older people like me (55) die out and younger people to accept the changes.

Diego is a massive jackass, I’ve seen him on here before, he’s just a troll who likes to be contradictory.

Actually, he’s 77, an old-school hot rodder who’s built well over 100 jaw-droppingly beautiful cars in his life and probably knows more about cars than most people you’ll ever meet. His cars routinely get trophies, and he still drag raced until last year (when his arthritis couldn’t take the g-forces of acceleration

I keep suggesting “Galaxie”.   Or, if you prefer, “Galax-E”

No, they don’t, but clearly this cop’s decision making was on the right track.

This is the kind of thing they don’t train you for in the academy.

That’s why I bought my FiST.  I'd rather have the means to avoid an accident altogether than rely on it to withstand the impact (which it still likely would do, small cars are safer than many give them credit).  Better braking, steering and overall nimbleness than an SUV, crossover or truck.

Potholes have even less effect on lightweight cars with decent rubber sidewalls. 

Sometimes I see my wife’s V90 on the street, not realizing it’s her, and think “Wow that’s a beautiful car.... wait, that’s our car. Awesome!”


Well, Minivans are the greatest car form, but most people don’t want to admit it.

Enough to pull a garden trailer or a small camper.

There is no fast lane. Only a passing one

You should have folded. Sweet car. Sounds like crap.

The point of this story is to bring more people INTO the know. Tell your friends!

It’s almost like the people in charge of NYC DOT don’t ride motorcycles.

*reads comments, eyes narrow, rage intensifies*

update: all of u suck

It seems unlikely that you can’t see around them in a LaCrosse. Just because the people in them sit higher than you does not mean that the whole vehicle sits higher than you. If you need to see the brake lights on the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of you then you probably should go out and buy Grave Digger

You don’t need to see all the cars to the horizon to be safe. Keep a safe distance and drive a car that can stop in a shorter distance or steer to avoid an accident.