Nope, your good old ZF 8HP.
A running B3 Passat!! Nah they prob just pushed it on set
Speaking as a former ground handler, I can tell you that the ambient noise around an airport is so pervasive that adding another engine to the mix can sometimes go unnoticed, especially if you are wearing ear muffs.
I worked for a major US airline from 1981 until 1996.
So the interior already looks like the inside a vintage movie theatre and still there are tacky options to chose? That’s...scary.
According to prior state dept leaks, China is actually OK with SK taking over NK for the reason that Erik Lonnrot mentioned (refugees). The Chinese just won’t accept US forces at its border. I think this might be the compromise: If NK collapses, China and the US help SK with NK development and governance, but the…
And they can’t afford to let North Korea fall apart completely. We’d all be better off if they just annexed it, but again they have no reason to do so and 25 million starving reasons not to.
Funny how everyone agrees on the point that Opel/Vauxhall has always been a clusterfuck of bland boredom on wheels. Speaking from a German and thereby slightly Opel- centric perspective here, though.
“having a gay presenter might actually be interesting on this show”
I’m always amazed to hear stories like this. I’ve never bought a new car. I’ve never bought a German car. In fact the only cars I’ve ever bought were used, American or Japanese brands and usually over the 100K mileage mark.. and the highest repair bill I’ve ever had was $900 to replace the air suspension on my 18…
It depends on how the CAS assets are being employed. Frequently they’re organized by having them queue up at pre-designated points and are sent to support in response to requests. This is where the fast, pointy jets are good, lower response time. I think in the past, or currently in other air forces, this is referred…
Boeing has your answer in the form of the OV-10X Super Bronco.