Whilst I appreciate the reply, I suspect you’re not in the UK. Your English is good, but it’s not native, and I can only speak about the market I know.
Whilst I appreciate the reply, I suspect you’re not in the UK. Your English is good, but it’s not native, and I can only speak about the market I know.
It’s the maximum jail sentence allowed by law for a DUI in the UK, unless you kill someone whilst doing it.
A DUI here can seriously mess up your life. Whilst the 6 month jail sentence will translate to 3 months in a low security prison for non-violent offenders and then three months on probation, the ban is for the full 12 months if you’re given one. 99.99% of people who aren’t celebrities will end up with a driving ban if…
Used to be the default choice for taxi owner/drivers up until recently in the UK. Now it’s the Dacia Logan which is unbelievably cheap - you can buy one new for about $10,000...
I genuinely see no reason (except in the case of one or two very specific models) to choose a VW over its Seat or Skoda equivalent in Europe.
I’m not sure which comment you think is silly as this thing doesn’t tell me, but I’m sure you can see the dichotomy between speculation and history.
You are the most unpleasant person I have ever had the misfortune to correspond with in these forums. If you act and speak as you write, your narcissism and arrogance will not be tolerated when you grow up and move into the real world.
It depends if you’re a signatory to the Ottawa Treaty on landmines. Most countries are but notable missing countries are, you guessed it, Russia, China. And, erm, the USA.
You’re right. I should listen to you, a child who posts mostly about video games and pops up occasionally to post one-sentence put-downs and insults when someone’s opinions doesn’t match theirs.
It’s always interesting to read through someone’s posting history when you get a comment like this (as well as your others - thank you) and, frankly, you’re just a complete arsehole in around 80% of your replies and those where you’re not an utter cunt to someone else are in video game threads.
They’re all fair and reasonable points you bring up but I’ll counter with just one:
Childish and pointless. Expected better.
The problem with sending a message through humanitarian means is that the convoy operators and personnel tend to up in orange jumpsuits getting their necks sawed through with blunt knives for internet consumption.
Your argument is excellent up to a point - I could poke some holes in it but that would be a bit churlish - so I would ask you just one thing:
Well, the BBC is reporting the airbase is back in use as of today, but the message was sent and that’s the point of my initial post. Someone had to do it and the UN doesn’t have the will...
Yes. I work in Asia now, but I’m British. I served with the RAF flying C130s and also with an exchange squadron in the US. I regularly visit the USA (mostly Southern states these days) due to work and try to keep up with the politics and shenanigans!
My initial post was more about the fact that some response has been made. There have been further articles hand-wringing about the military effectiveness and delving deep into the politics but, in my opinion, this was the right action at the right time.
You want my honest, unbiased, purely subjective opinion as an ex-airforce officer and a pilot on this question? No politics involved, no agenda, just an honest straightforward answer?
It’s an interesting response but you assume the Syrian airforce has any serviceable aircraft left to use a repaired runway, even if they have the capability to put it back together in short order. They might do after this - I don’t know - my military days are behind me, but what do you think the response to any…
No more than you with easily dismissable replies. Add something useful or fuck off and stop wasting everyone’s time.