
The guest should have spent the money on grammar lessons for the bride."...Mike and I's wedding..."

I's wedding? Did Mike marry the Letter I ?

There is a fine line (blurred, some would say) between RACIST and STUPID.

For those of you who are printing at home, can you recommend a printer? My old HP Photo printer has died, and I'm in need of a replacement. Thanks!

Instead of having this discussion in public, would you mind emailing me at

I hope not! I was on vacation last week. And I can't figure out how to direct-message anyone....
But let's get this going! Where and when?

Um, does the new Jez allow for e-mailing the commenters? Clearly, I'm too old to understand this new system....

Pixie, I'll pm you.

Ginger, I think we all nominate you to set this up!

Yes! Let's do this in DC!

Yay! New friends!
Now, what next??

I'm awesome, too! And we already have so much in common! Please tell me you're in/near Washington, DC, because I know we'd tear it up!!

Can I suggest that Jezebel dedicate itself to this conversation, exclusively? FOREVER?

Do you know if you can use vinegar as fabric softener for wicking materials, like exercise and work-out clothing?

ooohhhhh! I didn't get that until RIGHT NOW! Haa!

OMG! Best compliment I've had today! THANKS!

I LOVE THIS STORY, and I love, love, LOVE how many comments there are! Pet Singers Unite!

Maybe I can help.

Bow-tie and jean jacket? Ugh. John Mayer is still a tool.

I really really really really want someone to do a voice-over of the cat and dog's dialogue. PLEEEEEEAAAAASE?!?!?

I live in DC. We had a panda cub born a few years ago, and the whole area went bananas. It was panda-mania! This zoo has had lots of troubles, lost many animals, and doesn't have a great reputation; so our panda baby (Tai Shan) brought so much joy to the area. Per agreement with China, Tai Shan eventually went back