Yes, I’ll show you my physics defying invention but I’ll need payment up front and just throw me the Nobel prize while you’re here. PS I am not a crackpot.
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! was released the same year as the Watts riots.
The ancillary takeaway of the series should be that Doc Antle is a sex cult leader, plain and simple.
“Remember ‘Avatar’? Peppperidge Farms doesn’t remember.”
And why isn’t the segment called “Josh Gab!”
What if our lives were turned upside down?
I sure hope someone, etc.
A friend of mine used a circular saw to cut the top off his old beater in college. After the first rain he realized he also needed to drill some drain holes in the floor.
To hell with Powerpoint or Slack, an encyclopedic knowledge of Seasons 1-9 of the Simpsons should the only prerequisite for any AV Club position.
These two together remind me of all those obnoxious college relationships where both parties withdraw from their respective friend circles and spend every waking moment with each other because of some “deep connection” until they split up over winter break.
I remember a time when you really had to search for people babbling incoherently. Now it is delivered to me daily. Thanks, Internet!
I’ve been out forever, I had two hours in the pool
The East Yorkshire youths have a tiktok challenge where they throw fresh cheese into the river. They call it #HullingTheCurd.
These fan theories are idiotic. Clearly that's Herb Powell framing Homer for attempting to frame Krusty for murdering Mr. Burns. It couldn't be more obvious.
This is definitely in “who cares?” territory, but it is ridiculous to suggest they wouldn’t remember someone like this. It’s like Burns having no idea who Homer is. “All of the important events in your life have revolved around him in some way.”
Believe me. A different countries perspective is always fascinating. The Germans have made quite a few eye opening observations. I work in a grocery store three days a week and it's scary man.
The dude looks really good for 94!
“I went to three different high schools, and at each one, kids would scream School of Rock quotes at me in the halls. It was annoying and embarrassing. I constantly felt trapped. If I reacted to them positively, I was labeled a bragging snob. If I reacted negatively or ignored them, I was labeled a cold, ungrateful…
Where is your god now???