
Best guess yet; H.R. had Chekhov's remorse written all over his face.

LOT was great most of this season; you have to have a taste for camp though.

We've had two!

Yes - her ep links up with Wild At Heart

I love the Keaton ep because she stuffed so many Levi-Straussian classical allusions into it.

My take as well; I found it disturbing.

She improved on the book 100%

I for one consider anything involving language and its proper—or improper use—to be well within the AVClub's Bailiwick. It is unfortunate but inevitable that politics touches every aspect of our cultural life now. (My apologies at posting a serious answer; I return you to now to the requisite snide comments and

I recall in the '90s going to an HOP in Kansas City so bad their "I" was revoked by their chain. We wished we were too drunk to notice.

I don't, but I read all the interviews! And she gave the impression that this was it.

Yes, I started thinking that it was all about Gabriel when I reconsidered the Orthodox priest meeting; Gabriel could sell anyone on anything (he sold Philip, who grows ever more skeptical), but his charm is lost on Martha, and probably on anyone else back in Moscow.

Interesting take on this adaptation!

Yes, I was always wondering how many avatars we are to assume; one for each continent where immigrants have traveled? But that's over thinking it … it does suggest a Hindu model though

Mittwoch suggests a huge diss regarding the All Father among Deutsche Redner …

Corollary to the more you know, the more you realize what you really don't know …

Yes! Autotune artifacts are fingernails on a blackboard! Truly one of the most repulsive sounds; I would much rather hear a little pitch variation, or some warm beating, etc.

Yes, very strange weren't they (except for the veterans: Barrowman, Garber, Martin)

The extra syllable sounds pompous to my ears!

Rumor had it that it was Carter's fault the series fell through.

Oh my god, is Richard still teaching? The stories I could tell about the glory days of the Madison Music Collective ….