
Got to know him in the '80s when I was part of that small scene. Playing for peanuts, but always on!

I find that hard to believe. Peter Morgan's writing is head and shoulders above this sudser! I enjoy both, but the subtlety of the Crown (in most respects) can't be beat. Each episode is like a mini-movie.


And she has much better hair than Julievette this year!

Thank you! This show is full of subtlety; it could do better pointing it out, but a simple parable it is not.

True, see the discussions of this above. But the more pressing issue is that Hailey should be auditioning all over the country, but they don't want to take her out of NYC.

My friends are slowly beginning to watch this. In my circle a lot have read the book, and didn't care for it. I haven't; I just tell them it's gone in a new direction (I assume!)

Yes to more 20th c. music, and everything else on your list (I like Lizzie just fine, but Belluci's lipsynching was atrocious ).

And Salsa is not Apple. Apple famously reached out to musicians in the 1980s, forming partnerships with music research centers such as IRCAM. I remember thinking how brilliant the Salonen ad campaign was, aimed at a highbrow crowd, but tacitly acknowledging the brand's long history with music notation and processing.

I think rather than the state-run El Sistema, I think they were taking Dudamel's privately-funded youth orchestra in LA as a model. Yes it's good to commission new music, but WHY always Mazzoli?You'd think there were only 4 new music composers in this country, rather than 4000 …

He is completely off base! So many shades of grey this season.

I believe your opinion is in the minority. But I am intrigued as to why your prefer season 1.

I think there are a lot of subtleties to recommend in season 2, so I definitely am trying to get more people on board. It's a hard sell, because people think it is more black & white than I perceive it to be.

I completely agree that it's refreshing; I am so tried of hero and anti-hero tropes; one of the things I enjoy about Man in the High Castle is that you aren't really sure what move anyone will make (Frank, for instance, who is an idiot, but a believable one in that he saw his own death).

I thought Wyatt was new, and he is the object of both quests.

Taxes were far higher on the rich under Reagan than they are today. Also, deficit spending was huge.

Let's not forget that Star Wars itself was nostalgia for old saturday morning serials, Westerns and Wagner's Ring cycle …

I thought it meant cuckold?

Great news, now my friends may actually watch the damned thing.

Agreed! He was Dirk; this actor, while interesting, isn't.