
I watch and I am a very important person.

Especially considering their rep in the security community, which is rock bottom.

I squealed, as I use Signal all the time - two code words are used to establish a secure connection, usually a food noun and modifier.

Darlene was in family photos.

Nothing there I could see. Perhaps to come?

As a tender young Catholic I was traumatized by these tracts on a regular basis. I found out that the mentally ill and homeless were recruited to spread them like weeds. As northerners, we were dumbfounded by them.

I endorse this ranking!

I will have that earworm all week, as well as wondering why Fauré?

Queen of the Night, wasn't it? Oh no, that has no symbolism whatsoever ….;)

Thank you John! As viewers who were caught up in that scene while it happened, we have been thoroughly enjoying the attention to period detail and lingo; this adds even more (and the performances are great).

Yes, but actively working to thwart the marriage was beyond anything suggested in the book.

I was surprised by that death as well - Jeremy plays a supporting role throughout the book.

Yes, I think it is a common refrain that there is not quite enough whimsy in the gentleman – of course he is menacing, but because he is a narcissist who assumes that everyone sees the world as he does. I always pictured a character like the Squire of Gothos from the original Star Trek.

I hated the letter stealing scene - not in the book, and turns Norrell further to the dark side than he appeared at this point.

Well that's my point: they use spells by Pale and other Argentine magicians of 200 years hence. I just thought it odd that the writers would change that detail, as it muddies the much clearer presentation in the book. Apparently they felt as you did.

I agree. I think my biggest problem (I've seen ahead) is the tv writing - spelling out emotional beats and plot points in all caps that were much subtler in the books. For instance, the script often follows a sly line from the book with with a scene where characters shout and exclaim something we already knew, if we

Thanks for the reply, but I did a word search: 200 comes up numerous times in the text in this context. The Argentine age lasted well into the 16th c., so that squares with the book (death of Martin Pale et. al.) http://hurtfew.wikispaces.c…

Despite the quality of the acting, et. al. there are a few things I find worrying in this adaptation. But until we get further, only one question/quibble: why did the series changes the "200 years since magic left England" to 300?

"One chromosome too many!!!!"

In the 1980s some friends and I trailed the posse comitatus for a college journalism story; lots of meetings in McDonalds followed by gun swaps.