Magnetosphere Is A Cool Word

gross, jj.

Moana will make you sob.

Moana was robbed, ROBBED!

Moana lost to Zootopia and La La Land. I t think that all that’s left is Hacksaw Ridge getting Best Picture.

Let’s get real about this flag. It wasn’t continuously flown from 1861 until today. It was an obscure flag not flown very much at all from the end of the Civil War until after WWII, when it became popular with Dixiecrats. It gained prominence in the south during the fifties , and it didn’t fly over any government

throw yourself right back out of the arena because your transphobia is not wanted here, bigot. especially in the comments on an article about a woman’s murder. how fucking insensitive can you be? fuck off now.

And such a violent criminal, driving on a suspended license while poor. Monster!

His supporters still think trickle down economics is brilliant. They’ll cheer on this change. Because of the billionaires just get richer, maybe one day I’ll make some money too! And let’s not forget they’re JOB CREATORS. even though most of them don’t believe in minimum wage period. Maybe jobs will come back but

It’s a ‘Po-Cat’. :)

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Now playing

For all the nice nice liberals wringing their hands about the battlefield of ideas... You can’t. They’re Nazis. They subscribe to an explicitly violent ideology. You don’t talk a Nazi into not killing people.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

We’d do much better connecting with each other first. If the election showed anything, it’s that a lot of parts of the coalition don’t really know the other parts, let alone what those other parts are doing. WE are the majority, we just need to start acting like it.

“I don’t want to tell people I don’t eat gluten because they’ll think I’m not a man.”

Fuck this guy.

But you aren’t having constructive, meaningful conversations. You’re comparing our bodies to your race car. Several women have noted that there are many reasons Women use BC that have nothing to do with Sex, and you haven’t once acknowledged those statements. Sorry if you are feeling attacked, but truthfully, you

Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately

Er, what possible benefit is there to stripping someone of their privileges for attempting suicide or self-harm? They’re already at rock bottom, wouldn’t removing what few comforts they have left just make things worse?