This World Series is depressing as hell, just like many other things that are happening right now and which we have…
This World Series is depressing as hell, just like many other things that are happening right now and which we have…
“Oh hey look - it’s Kara’s sister, and ex-boyfriend, and other ex-boyfriend, and best friend, all working with Supergirl.
The effortless diversity of Brooklyn 99 is one of the main reasons it shouldn’t be cancelled. Reading Stephanie Beatriz’s story of crying when she found out Melissa Fumero had been cast before her because she thought that meant she didn’t get the part since obviously the show would only cast a single Latina, and then…
Thank goodness you folks got a union. That at least means that when the cuts come, there will be some negotiations involved - you won’t just wake up to find out that Univision axed Splinter, or halved the staff for Jezebel, etc.
Speaking of which I loved the line that Wally’s baby gift might’ve belonged to Moses.
A lot of people do that to see if a show has recovered and good again and if they should jump back in.
It is right and good that Samoas ended at the top of the list, Megan. The farther down the page we got with no mention of my caramel and chocolate loves had me alternating between horror (that you wouldn’t list them) and rage (that you thought some other, sadder, less good cookie would prevail).
Adam Pally is funny if a bit one-note in his performances. I liked him in Making History though & wish that got a second season, especially for Leighton Meester’s brilliant, ice-cream loving Deb Revere, and the prospect of journalist Natalie Morales investigating their time travel shenanigans.
Pure glee. I cannot describe just how overwhelmingly entertaining that was.
Dhark was much better this season than last. I’m actually going to miss him.
Jax: (seeing the Beebo thing emerge) “God I have missed you guys”
All hail Beebo our one true blue god and saviour. The pure and good. The demon ass kicker. That was a ginormous payoff to one long joke. And it was so awesome.
The final Beebo fight was the best thing to ever air on television ever. This is the truth of all things.
I mean, what can you say about the beauty of Giant Battle Beebo?
We even got a straight-up Amazonian for the big battle, too. Hope we see more of Themyscira next season.
Hey, compañeros.
I’ve never laughed harder than when I read that series. Is it archived somewhere?
I was thinking that I had scrolled far too long to find a “Will it be a good place to bring a doll?” comment.
I miss old Gawker and the Best Restaurant in New York series. This memory is brought to you by the time they ate in the American Girl store.
Flashpoint. Any and all inconsistencies can always be handwaved because Barry messed with the timeline.
i will destroy splinter news if it’s the last thing i do