
I'm one of them. I dream about having big fights with people I love.

I recently realized that I never really have had nightmares as such, just dreams that are upsetting. I kind of had one last night, about my sister trying to kill me and my mom running away from everyone. It was strange.

Playing piano. I did flute for years in high school, but always wished I understood anything about chords.

Way to not get the point. The original photos are fine, but Vogue had to go and "perfect" them to fit a ridiculous ideal. We know it happens, but the details are often surprising. Given how ubiquitous photoshopping is, we forget what reality looks like when photographed. A reminder now and then is pretty

I've kinda tried. I feel like my old career is the boyfriend I broke up with but never stopped sleeping with on occasion. I still love science.

The so-called hot toys of the past few years really seemed like they were trying too hard. What kid wanted a zhu zhu pet before their parents told them they did?

Zoos generate a lot of money, and conservation is expensive business. On the other hand, people pay good money to visit the relatively small interpretive center of the Peregrine Fund.

I finally got around to watching The Bletchley Circle this weekend, and I am shocked I've never read about it on here. But now I have to watch some Miss Fisher, too.

You don't have to like everything, including meat.

Doctors really ought to be careful of implying to their patients that they're unable to impregnate or get pregnant. The number of times I've heard "I thought it wasn't possible" to explain a pregnancy is astounding.

I took that to mean that blood and guts gross her out, not that it's unethical to chew at her baby's cord.

How old is Fitz supposed to be? He acts so immature (and always has, but I figure his brain injury in the frontal lobe doesn't help).

I very seriously don't remember when my husband and I decided to get married. There was no event, we just decided we wanted to do it. However, I do vividly remember the first time he asked if I might eventually want to get married. The next morning was extremely pretty, blue sky and sun.

I get the impression that they had a flat tired and this guy offered to help, and they wanted to document it. Like, HEY THIS GUY HELPED US OUT

I don't know how I was blessed by the not-painful boob fairy, but I unequivocally enjoy my big boobs.

My husband is Andreas, and it often is pronounced like Andrea's.

Sad that I have to agree that his technique was sloppy. He's probably suffering from the thing where men get extra credit for even bothering to dance.

Young women really are the thermostats of morality, and history could be written in terms of them, but good lord not BY them. History is written by the victors.

This reminds me of when my history teacher tried to head off hysterical reactions to her referring to Christian mythology as "mythology." Luckily, people were mature enoguh to realize that if we're going to refer to any religion's stories as mythology, we can do that with our own.

Men need to get over their semen. It's sexy and all, what with the whole orgasm thing, but within about five seconds it's as fun as a booger.