That would be great! I was hoping to see him pop up in Hell at some point, but since they’re saving some of that plot thread for next season, it’d be neat if he could factor in somehow.
That would be great! I was hoping to see him pop up in Hell at some point, but since they’re saving some of that plot thread for next season, it’d be neat if he could factor in somehow.
I wasn’t a huge fan of this finale, sadly. Might have been the pacing; we lurch from Neron’s plan being completely different from what we were told before to the Legend’s plan B being able to happen in the span of a few seconds. I wasn’t really sold on Nate being the emotional crux either; it probably would work…
Kirby’s Dream Land 3?!?!
Good on them, but my god, best of luck with their traffic. I run BS01, the BIONICLE wiki (very pointedly NOT on Wikia, and never have been!) and while we’re official enough to enjoy a relationship with LEGO, our search engine optimization will always be behind Wikia/Fandom because of their ubiquity and resources.
Sometimes, at night, I have panic attacks. Terrible bouts where I can barely breathe. I am safe in my room, but my mind reminds me that I am going to die. Not right now, but one day. There is an invisible countdown clock running the background of each day, edging closer towards the moment I fade into an unending…