
Take THAT, Samsung!

Someone want to explain to Ashley the difference between "chemicals" and "chemical reactions"? I can't be arsed.

The new bigger iPhone has arrived!

I think his point was that there is nothing innovative in the 6.

Until it's not...

Clearly he deleted a troll comment.

Beginning in the 1960s, Wicker Park began to change radically. Construction of the Kennedy Expressway, completed in 1960, had displaced many residents and torn holes in the sustaining network of Polish-American churches, settlement houses, and neighborhood groups.[6] Additionally Puerto Ricans and other Latinos

Trollololol. Don't be so black please.

I see what YOU REA-lly did there.

Yeah, how ridiculous. They should have just asked some random troll on the Internet, that is the new standard for information gathering.

Should be legal = NOT legal.

But on the plus side, you could just flush it down the toilet afterwards.

Someone please perform a study in Dirty Hippy Liquefaction.

I'm very interested to see the results of that.

Reading is not your strong suit, I guess...

Yours for the Appley price of $89.99 + tax

That's why they're on the "Terrorist Watch List", and have not yet migrated to the "Terrorist List".

After switching my language setting to English (U.K.) accuracy went up to 99+%. You may have to wait some time before you get an English (Boston, MA) language pack.