Walker was very much designed in the visage of the 80's tv action trope like the A team or Knight Rider. New plot weekly, loose continuity, gritty one liners and industrial settings with a bunch of bad guys to kick, punch, and shoot through.
Walker was very much designed in the visage of the 80's tv action trope like the A team or Knight Rider. New plot weekly, loose continuity, gritty one liners and industrial settings with a bunch of bad guys to kick, punch, and shoot through.
Evergreen park here, just across the boarder from Beverly, all I see is a bunch of stolen mopar around here.
what part of the city do you live in?
Love the use of expanded recycled materials. Dacia should embrace this idea and see what % they could make a vehicle out of recycled materials.
i still feel like everyone has seen the courtroom scene where they exonerate the boys. I’m 34 and i’ve only watched it all the way through once, but i’ve seen or caught the court room scene at the end like 20 times.
I relent.
Man... thats tempting. I dont know if you can have more fun in a car for any price than what these guys are doing.
Guys, I love you all, and I love those who wear the title as “editor” but cmon... you state her name is Jessica Elizabeth, and then you refer to her throughout the article as Elizabeth, Not M(r)s. Elizabeth, Just Elizabeth, by her last name, but you’ve written it as such as if you mean it is her first name? Either way…
I’m the same, I grab a hotwheels every time I see something I like. In the past few years they have figured out us 30 somethings are happy to spend a buck and grab a toy car if its something we regard as cool. Pagani’s, Bmw’s, a slew of cool porches, etc. I have about 100+ I have collected over the past few years.
Not really a refresh, because its a different chassis, but yes, I do believe the second gen durango to be utterly terrible. Nissan murano also qualifies, as does the mazda 3.
Sounds like Cars and Coffee events are right up your alley then. They typically attract the interesting shit from the night crowd, and the least pretentious of the old guy crowd, and a good chunk of the super car crowd. It usually results in a really nice mix of “interesting”.
1000%, wouldn’t have it any other way! Every grocery/ home depot/target trip, slamming on the brakes in front of the store, leaving it parked in front askew with the doors open like some real shits going down.
Agreed, however there are hundreds of cards that offer better conversion rates (1% cash back for example) than what ford is offering.
This is true, its possible your points are boosted elsewhere by spending money on food or dining at ford partners or something, but either way you look at it, 60,000 points is still only worth $300 Ford bucks, which gets you maybe an oil change and a brake job. Even if you earned 10 points per dollar spent elsewhere,…
can we just take a moment and appreciate porche’s dad joke of branding design by using the front wheel to form the “o” in the porsche slathered across the bottom?
20,000 pts =$100 is not a great exchange rate, and pretty much makes the program worthless. Who is going to go out of their way to collect ford points when at the end of an ownership term they would have amassed all of $1.32 in ford bucks?
the alcantara dash is... interesting for a car of this nature. it looks very obvious they just used a production dash. Other cars in its “class” typically leverage a body colored non upholstered panel for the area vacated by the lack of windshield to the passenger compartment. looking top down on it, the transition…
Agreed. you can talk about hamilton’s greatness within F1 all day long, but bring in different disciplines and I would argue that Loeb is a better driver all together, 3 ROC wins, total domination of WRC etc.
It makes all the sense in the world from a strategic perspective, Retire on a high note, that will cement you as the GOAT for a while, and still talked about for the next 100 years as one of the GOATs once he is long gone. I half expected him to sit out on the last race, which would have confirmed in my eyes that this…
I keep buying bmw’s and selling them for subarus to eventually buy more bmws, its a vicious cycle.