
Uh yeah, and cell towers cause Autism. I call bullshit. I will willingly take my cell phone plop it inside one of my hives and call it. I can guarantee that my bees will not swarm then suddenly die. In fact I will film it and post the results here.

I've got a small sensor on the front of my face. It's called a nose.

And that my friends, is why they are called pilots and not drivers.

The Australian Cattle Dog is what caught my eye as well...probably because I have one. Great dogs.

1,500 lbs of pure hotness.

I've always loved the Stradale. One of the sexiest skins put on a car ever. I also love that the velocity stacks are right behind your head in the cabin with you.

Don't care about Keanu but man, give me the Norton Commando!

For bone crushing power and instant Poop Your Pants Fear (tm) we should be using hyenas.

I know right. They are bonerific.

For your phallic enjoyment may I present to you; Phallus Hadriani, aka, the Stinkhorn.

"Greatest American Hero" anyone? '81 - '83.

My first thought was "PT Cruiser". Ugh. But all and all it's much better than that "Geek Pod" they produced last time.

You can brush your teeth with another bee product called "propolis". That's what most of us beekeepers do. It's anti-septic and anti-bacterial.

Did anyone else notice that the photo used is of marijuana? You can see the trichomes. Stoney whiteflies broseph!

Excellent. He did the original pilot for Top Gear USA a couple years back. The network didn't pick it up because Knight Rider tanked. His Carcast Podcast is excellent.

They've been trying this for years and it never works. The reason they want to do this is because they can then patent it and make a bundle of cash.

I had a coworker do this and brush his teeth at his desk behind me. I hate it. I can't stand that clip, clip, clip sound, plus it's just effing gross. I told him to knock it off and either do it in the bathroom or at home. He looked shocked. What the hell is wrong with people?

I have no idea if I'd be sucking the glass cock on this one but damn, it's beautiful.

Now if it had been Cheech Wizard, that would have blown my mind.

I'm sure airport security will make you throw it away.