
The Alfa Romeo Montreal of course...

I used to ride in the way back of my dad's station-wagon and when someone would get too close he'd yell back at me, "Moon 'em!" On cue I'd drop my drawers and moon the people behind us. I was 8. How's that for rear facing? Oh and I used to ride on the tank of his CB350F as we'd cruise the back roads up to Mt. St.

"Deep Africa" hands down:


Keep in mind this is not an enhancement. Diaz and Wandy had years of scar tissue built up from fighting which lowers their baseline (lower performance). This is repairing and returning them to their previous baseline. It's like saying fixing a broken arm is performance enhancing.

Correct. Most hunter/fishermen carry .44 revolvers, anything less and you just piss it off. And even then I wouldn't count on dropping it with the first shot.

Bangle is the suck.

I had to double-check it myself.

Riiiiight. Like I said STFU hippy.

"...unintelligible jibber-jabber that would get tiresome in an Evergreen State dorm room bull session." As someone who has unfortunately experienced this first hand that description is spot on. Oh and...STFU Hippy and feel lucky your skull didn't get cracked by a MagLite.

Honeybee Mayhem!

Japanese honeybees do have stingers. They resort to cooking the intruder alive because if they sting they will loose precious members of the colony (honeybees die after stinging). Since Apis Cerana have smaller colonies they are less apt to want to loose members, unlike Mellifera who have larger colonies.

Has somebody been reading "Sky Mall" lately?

I've been working on modifying the Honeycomb start-up. Here's what I came up with.

They are thinking about how they can shoot the evil bird flying over theirs heads. Give 'em iPads.

Fangio. Godfather of the 4 Wheel Drift.

I just want the controller so I can use my choice of mic/s and I want it in stereo. Then it would be super sweet.

Shoot. I'll take one and happily hoon around my 'hood.