
Good God. We had a Renault Alliance. That thing was a gutless POS.

Ugh, that was supposed to be "blink" and "marquee". Sorry.

IE was around for my all time favorite tag:

NOM NOM NOM! (ok, so it's Saturn but you get the idea)

Right on! Jason did a massive installation in my good friend's house:

Dear BMW,

Always loved it. Totally Death Race 2000. Where's Frankenstein?

And that is why Rally is thee most badass motorsport hands down.

Now playing

This is the Gravitram at OMSI here in Portland, OR. It's still in operation. I remember tripping on it when I was a kid...and and adult.

@SmokeDiver: A developer in Bend Oregon built a housing development called "The Shire". Needless to say it fell victim to the economy:

A Solution (and not a very good one) looking for a problem. Besides for proper Heel-Toe you want the pedals close.

Those are 4 oz MMA gloves.

I can't imagine it handling very well but damn, it's pretty wicked!

@xaronax: I've got the wired version of this. It works great and people give you funny looks.

I can't wait to see this. I loved the original Tron. I also dig that they decided to use the same model of bike I ride, Ducati SportClassic Sport 1000 as the bike the kid rides. Yeehaw!

@Tsylord: I can't comment on the different kinds but in situations where you want some privacy, ie counselors, will use white noise generators because they mask voices/conversation.

@naru: I didn't think it was rude at all, so no worries. I actually have learned something from this thread. Who would have thought my goofy comment would have turned into a science lesson. It's fascinating stuff. Seriously.

If they made these then my helper monkey would be out of work!

@naru: You are right. I had no idea. You learn something everyday...

Tin foil makes everything better.