
@jlevee: Agreed. That's my beef with the Brammo bikes...well that and they are fugly. I'll keep my combustion engine Duc thanks.

@uRbAn:Xocolatl!: I have Equinoxe on vinyl, I'll have to pull it out. My first experience with Oxygene was a seriously intense laser light show at OMSI in Portland OR. It blew my little mind. God bless the 70s.

This was my I-dose when I was 8.

@Matt Hardigree: VW Bug...Minutemen 'Double Nickels On The Dime'

@Elhigh: It's a deal. Proof forthcoming.

My bus does wheelies and is named Slayer Hippie. I shit you not.

@CJinSD: The original plans called for mid-engine, by the time it hit production is was front engined. The Montreal was Alfas parts-bin car. As far as the Muira-clone...Marcello Gandini designed both cars at Stile Bertone. He also designed the lowly and glorious Berlina.

Besides being the coolest Italian Super 70s Spy Mobile, the Montreal's grooviest feature is the hydraulically activated louvers over the front headlamps.

Uh, hello! Cheech Wizard!

The finned manifold on the Alfa Romeo 8C.

@benmlee: I'll second that. It's an amazing piece of engineering taken from aviation. The cam roller that controls the fuel in itself mind blowing. I used to keep a photo of an x-rayed SPICA pump on my wall. We really have to thank Wes Ingram for demystifying these incredible injection systems.

Singapore is not even close to Monaco. Monaco is the last of a dying breed of circuits; fast, dangerous with crowds lining the track begging to get mowed down by an errant F1 car. Singapore is sterile by comparison.

Is "the crash" inevitable? Maybe, maybe not. Modern crap boxes certainly push it in the direction of 'yes' though.

The ugly electric bike runs on...electricity generated by coal fired plants.

For some reason I was under the impression that there was two. I guess I was wrong.

You do not cut, rasp or otherwise sand a wonky door. You shim it.

Let us not forget the 6 cyl Alfa engine shoehorned into this beast. Hoonery.

Hah, vindication!

Nice to see good old fashioned Hoonery is alive and well.