
Most of the stuff listed are things you used to be expected to do yourself back in the Manly Days.

One cannot leave out the Alfa Romeo BATs:

The 164 is a good choice but I would argue for the Alfa Milano (or 75 as it was known everywhere else). V6, 50/50 weight balance, rear wheel drive, drunken Italian ergos (window roller buttons on the roof...really?), inboard rear brakes, transaxle. Plus it was the last true Alfa Romeo (the 164 was built after FIAT got

I've owned a variety of these lovely 4 cyl beasties; 2 Berlinas, a '64 column shift (5 on the tree bizznatches) Giulia TI and an Alfetta SS. The engines are a work of art and love to be flogged. They are fairly simple to work on and make thee most glorious sound ever...well...the V6 they slapped in the GTV6s and

I've seen those things every day for the 3 years I've lived in Portland. They rarely moved and sometimes breed. I think I've counted four. Two on Burnside and two more on the cross street.

This beast is currently residing down the street from me. When Chesire MotoSports garage door is open I get to see it driving home from work.

Having owned a few Berlinas they are fine beasts and easy to find parts for.

Oh BTW, this cannot be a '67, Alfa stopped production on the SS in '66.

Hellooooo 2003.

Dear Dr. Bagner, SCREW YOU. If you are feeling sick stay home! I work with the homeless and sickness runs through the office like an avenging angel.

I bet you could find some toenails to smoke in the back seat when you want to get high.

I don't trust MS with squat and certainly would not trust them with my medical records.

They already released a "Sprint" a couple years back.

Someone in the Seattle area had "MILF" for a while until some killjoy complained. Big babies.

The parts on the TVR will be harder to find, hands down. You'll be able to contact your local Maser Club and find what you need for it. The parts for the TVR...good luck!

Every time I cross the straight I think of my dad hopped up on bennies kyaking across to Port Costa for a night of cheap booze and cheaper women.

A frog in NASCAR? Bring me my FREEDOM FRIES!!!