
My favorite part was when Ruby was getting "honest" with Darius and they kissed, while Jay filmed it from the bushes with that salacious grin on his face. Pure friggin' gold, he's thinking.

First track has kind of a Boards of Canada feel to it.

I always liked Weird Al, ever since middle school. And yes, I was skeptical about him being the band on CBB. But somehow I love him now more the ever. Better than Reggie? No. Better than Kid Cutti? Hell to the yes.

I'm from Orlando and live just a few blocks away from Pulse. I'm still in shock. All I can say is I love Orlando and its people. I tried to give blood yesterday but they were at capacity. God bless all my brothers and sisters who were victims.

Big…Head! (Yeah, that's about all I have…oh, and this episode moves the narrative very much forward, which Mr. Vikram Murthi clearly missed).

I don't wanna sound queer, but I think unicorns are kinda magical.

Not to sound like a pretentious jaggoff, but Kurosawa & Mifune were probably the best director/actor team ever.

"Hey Dee, Dee, Dee! You wanna get your feet off my bed?"
"This is not your bed, okay? This is my goddamn floor!"

Even though Gavin probably did it as an insult, I kind of teared up when he helped Richard knot his tie before the arbitration hearing. It had a sweet father/son dynamic.

Ah, good ol' Grimey.

I hear "Season of the Witch" but that's a sample from a Hendrix outtake layered with some dude singing, isn't it? I've heard that guitar and drum track before, (I can swear it's Hendrix and Mitch), just never hear the singing before.

Damn, but is Mel Rodriguez killing TV right now or what? He's my new main man. The new king of television has been born and his name readeth, "Mel Rodriquez I".

That's clearly a picture of a man with a full head of hair who has decided to shave it all off. But c'mon, it's like a dude shaving. You don't think, "My God, this man has no beard!" You think, "Oh, he shaved today."

For some weird reason, I really wanted to see Dennis & Frank have a good soak together.

If I was a morning DJ, my question would consist of the game "Where in the World is Carmen Esposito." It would be exactly the same as a round of "What in the World is Carmen Santiago" except I would keep it up until she hung up.

200 clams for a live table read, with manic-man QT hopping around the stage? Yeash, sounds terrible. I've read some of his scripts and believe me, they're not the "literature" he thinks they are. All scripts, including QT's, are very flat and dry without the visual power of film or a carefully crafted stage production

The Koog approves!

Of course he aged. The end tag in Community was shot present day as "Vince" while the old VCR game was shot as Devin with copious amounts of makeup applied to make him look like an old prospector type. "Vince" just happened to keep the same look all these years. It's called the Magic of Hollywood.

This ep was much more meta than it first appears: it tells the story of how Devin (aka "Vince Gilligan") left his job at Apple Computers, moved to Hollywood with his too-hot-for-him wife, how they got addicted to blow and lived the high life for awhile, but then the VCR craze died out. Apple stocks soared and Steve

You're probably right. The way he tries to keep his duck cartoons secret (though "What the hell?!" is a great catchphrase) speaks a lot to his low self-esteem. That and his utter contempt for his own profession.
But don't forget, he also watched his third wife die, meaning he's had quite a number of intimate