
This is a rather mean spirited article in the face of someone losing pets, which is always a very painful experience. Many years ago I lost three of the pets I had at the time (two dogs and a cat) in the span of about a month, all for different reasons, and I would not wish that kind of sadness on anyone.

Did she have the actual Gipsy Kings playing in her reception????? 

The new group had not been exposed to the virus, they were in isolation underground which is why they were wearing masks when they left their bunker and met Tandy’s group,

1632.....still one of my all-time favorite books, I feel a re-read coming on.

I’ve heard that elective tube-tying or female sterilization is actually quite difficult to get, doctors often time refuse to do it telling the women asking for it that they might change their minds in the future, what if they get married and their husbands want children, and even if they are already married having to

To be honest, if Bernard is going to be carrying around another persona, I think the most likely is Ford himself. The Passenger in that case would be Ford riding around in Bernard’s body, or more likely having subsumed Bernard and totally taken over.

This is a great habit and all, and I totally agree that all fans of all sports and activities in general should do this, but I always think about the other side of the coin in this situation which is....what about the janitorial staff? If every body did this there would be no need to hire anyone to clean after these

That’s not Selma Blair, it’s Sela Ward.

As a Latina, I have to tell you that I’ve been doing this my whole life but with tortillas....delicious, delicious chicken skin taco!!

No, that one hit me hard, especially with that ending? Now we will never know who all those people are, and if Jasper ever rejoins the rest of the group. :(

I think you are confusing Last Man Standing that is being revived by Fox. I WISH Last Man on Earth was uncancelled.

I suggest you never come to Costa Rica then, 50% tax on clothes, toys, and other goods is pretty much the norm.

Did anyone else get the feeling that this trailer would have done better if it had not come out after the Upgrade trailer, it’s sooo similar. The actors look so much alike, there is the whole inner voice and entity controlling their actions and the main character looking clueless while it’s happening. To be honest I

I think he’s referring to the passing of Gene Wilder, David Bowie and Carrie Fisher.

OK, either I’m going crazy and suffering from the most Matrix of deja vu experiences but I swear to sweet baby Jesus that I have read this exact same story, word for word, years ago. I even came down to the comments expecting more people to mention how old this story actually is, and there is nothing. I don’t know

He truly has some amazing hair, I was mesmerized a times.

I am a single woman with a full size bed, I have five dogs and three cats, but only three of the dogs sleep with me every night, the mini doberman/chihuahua mix, the dachshund mix and the cocker/lab mix who spends part of the night in the bed and part on her own bed on the floor since she is so fidgety. I used to

I had no idea that Taco Bell in the states didn’t sell fries until now. I’ve lived in Costa Rica for 30 years now (grew up in California) and they have always had fries here, the regular ones and the Fiesta Fries which is what those Nacho Fries look like, and they even have Tater Tot Fries that are even better.

The teen girl mentions in one scene that the tubes don’t really have that much brain in them anymore, making me think they already have a scarcity issue and are probably cutting the brain with other things. Also, the rationing seems to be pretty small portions for the regular or poorer class zombies, which is

When I was 14 my cousin of the same age was courted by a guy who was at least 36 at the time, with the full knowledge and approval of her mother. She would actually brag to her friends and family about how he was a wealthy rancher with horses and completely gloss over that he was already twice divorced with several