LOL, if you’re not from the US you can never really understand this.
LOL, if you’re not from the US you can never really understand this.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that finds that man (and especially that top image) strangely erotic. O_O
Holy !@#$%, is this real?
Pokemon, not only bringing nerds out of their caves and making them actually walk around, but also helping them find love.
Pokemon, not only bringing nerds out of their caves and making them actually walk around, but also helping them find love.
I didn’t think bears had that many cubs at one time, is that normal?
Well, this woman that grew up in the 80's did watch He-Man, as well as GI Joe, Dungeons and Dragons, and many other great cartoons of the era.
Yeah, where they lost me on this is that they even state that Elba was in Prometheus and Pacific Rim, two other big summer sci-fi releases, sans any makeup. This to me just seems like someone reading a lot more into a situation that is actually there. I agree that is was a shame to usa an actor of the caliber of Idris…
To me it looks like she’s wearing a 70's era merkin on her hat.
It seems this is limited to only US PayPal accounts, because when I try to use it it will apply it to the cart but when I try to make the payment it says “This coupon or code (C15L-x) is invalid. You’re not able to use it with this payment.” :(
It seems this is limited to only US PayPal accounts, because when I try to use it it will apply it to the cart but…
After reading the article here a few days ago about the new Jessica Biehl restaurant that had a built in babysitting service (…), I’m kind of surprised no one has ever come up with a similar idea for movie theaters. Imagine going to the movie and paying for two adult movie tickets,…
I can give you the example of the country I live in, which is still considered third world or developing I think, Costa Rica in Central America. Here all women who work, whether it is full time or less, a large company or even just as a maid in a private residence, as long as they pay into the National Social Security…
I don’t know how likely this is to be true but I read this online last week:
You are not the only one. My mother, sister and I enjoyed it very much.
Totally agree with this one, I have had this belief for years now.
To be fair, the groom is actually from Hawaii and his mother brought the flowers with her when she flew in for the wedding, but still this whole thing was so over the top; however, I think the write up makes is sound about 100 times more pretentious than it actually looks.
Steps 1 to 3 is the way that I have always eaten my favorite candy bar, but it’s not a Kit Kat, I’m talking about a 100 Grand. This is the best way to get all the chocolate and crispy rice out of the way and get to eat the best part on it it’s own, the delicious caramel center.
I know many people like this, where everything in the secular world is a gateway to demonic possession and devil worship. Many years ago there was an uproar in my mother’s church about the Teletubbies being evil and promoting a gay lifestyle, that Winnie the Pooh was also evil and demonic, but the best was when Gun’s…