
They have a much longer version, but less dialogue and voice-ever, of this trailer on their FB page:

That was Gong Yoo, the star of my all-time favorite K-Drama, Coffee Prince!

Holy !@#$%, is this real?

Pokemon, not only bringing nerds out of their caves and making them actually walk around, but also helping them find love.

Pokemon, not only bringing nerds out of their caves and making them actually walk around, but also helping them find love.

I have season 1 on Netflix, but I live in Costa Rica so it might be a regional thing.

THIS is the girl from The Middle??? WTF, she is totally unrecognizable. O_O

This scene from Jurassic Park....offensive as fuck.

I didn’t think bears had that many cubs at one time, is that normal?

OMG, I had the exact same response! I truly like Cooper, as Howard Stark and now was Jesse Custer, but the voice is not at all the voice I had in my head.

Well, this woman that grew up in the 80's did watch He-Man, as well as GI Joe, Dungeons and Dragons, and many other great cartoons of the era.

If only I had known you could sell these erotic vegetables on the Internet when I come across this specimen last November.

Dear Lord in Heaven!! Dorothy is being played by the daughter of RICARDO ARJONA!!! This is wrong on so many levels, no, no, no!

Me too!

Yeah, where they lost me on this is that they even state that Elba was in Prometheus and Pacific Rim, two other big summer sci-fi releases, sans any makeup. This to me just seems like someone reading a lot more into a situation that is actually there. I agree that is was a shame to usa an actor of the caliber of Idris

Actually, Agent Coulson is currently the Director of Shield.

My first reaction is how or if they are going to explain the relationship between Nightcrawler and Mytique?

Me too!! But I’m in Costa Rica. Have never understood why Marvel movies are released a week early outside of the US but I will definitely not complain. :)

No matter how many times I see it, that last scene always makes me LOL. I’m just worried that is the actual best scene in the whole movie.