Go back to sports, “Sports Blogger”.
Go back to sports, “Sports Blogger”.
Stephen takes the time to criticize the spelling in a tweet that is unable to be edited after being sent but doesn’t take the time to proof read his own words.....Who’s the real idiot?
Probably perfect.
Did you maximize your deductions last year? Then yes you are smart like Trump. That’s what hes talking about. Giving as little of your money away as you have to is always smart.
So I assume any black person that agrees with Trump is a coward too? BTW, taking kids away from criminal parents is nothing new. Remember the war on drugs? Drug dealer parents have their kids taken away ALL the time and no one bats an eye because the parents are obviously criminals. Illegal immigrants are criminals.
I’ve never gotten the flu. Both my parents had it at the same time when I was younger and I didnt get it.
It’s California....Some of the strictest gun laws in the country....
It’s not just cleavage....
I still dont understand why a TV broadcaster requires you to login with a cable subscription to see something they are broadcasting for free over open air.....
FBI takes “salacious and unverified” dossier to secret court to get secret warrant to spy on a fellow American, and FBI doesn’t tell the court that the DNC/Clinton campaign paid for that dossier. And they did that FOUR times.
@comey, you testified under oath to Congress that the dossier was “salacious and unverified,” yet you certified its veracity to the FISA Court prior to that testimony. Thats perjury, obstruction of justice, abuse of authority...what am I missing?
If Germany, South Korea, and the US said they were going to restrict the dollar its value would also crash....
Submarines once.
428 comments about a guy glancing up at the sun for less than 2 seconds..... More than half of the country did the exact same thing. You people need a hobby.
Stop expecting people to explain their uneducated opinions. They cant.
What makes this article hilarious is that you can tell the gender of the author just by reading it.
Down here even the air is salt.
Except he has nothing to do with Epipen you ignoramus. Just another example of how people have NO IDEA what’s actually going on and just get upset because the media and articles like this one tell them to. You people are clowns just like the author.
I hope you never start a company and plan to make a profit...
No one was defrauded....Hence only being convicted for lying and not fraud.
“Killing people by denying them life saving drugs?”