
Marisnick was falling over he was trying to slow down so hard. He was also made his move toward the front of the plate BEFORE Lucroy shifted back to his right. Lucroy was clearly obstructing the plate before playing the ball and then moved back to his right towards the infield because he saw Marisnick make the move to

The average person should know that they can’t react and should logically deduce they shouldn’t be sitting that close.

If you’re both ex-players and we’re paying attention to the game you had plenty of time to react. Pitchers have time to react and they are closer than any patron not protected by the old netting would have been.

Literally no person on the right that wasn’t already in a group that supports people whom call themselves Nazis thinks they are an acceptable part of society. But every single person on the right believes in every Americans right to their opinion no matter how batshit crazy you might be. Just because you dont like

And what happens when all of your fantasies of evil Mr. Trump come out as untrue, and actually just a bunch of lying liberals trying to under mind the US election system? Are you going to continue to be a sad angry little person?

Remember what happened the last time your country tried to put on big boy britches? Or do we need to remind you a third time?

Oh wow look! More facts! I wish more people used these....

Eyyyyyy some facts! Not uninformed opinions like the rest of these comments....

Ah yes, the political comment section of gizmodo. The best example for the failure of the American public school system, and the best argument for a plague that kills only stupid people.

Ugh.... All these wanna be activists threatening to beat up white people for saying a word regardless of context. This is America. Everyone can say whatever they want. If that provokes violence in YOU, then get ready to be shot by someone for your dumbass feelings getting hurt. Grow up, its a fucking word. 

Go back to sports, “Sports Blogger”.

Stephen takes the time to criticize the spelling in a tweet that is unable to be edited after being sent but doesn’t take the time to proof read his own words.....Who’s the real idiot?

Did you maximize your deductions last year? Then yes you are smart like Trump. That’s what hes talking about. Giving as little of your money away as you have to is always smart.

So I assume any black person that agrees with Trump is a coward too? BTW, taking kids away from criminal parents is nothing new. Remember the war on drugs? Drug dealer parents have their kids taken away ALL the time and no one bats an eye because the parents are obviously criminals. Illegal immigrants are criminals.

It’s not just cleavage....

If were going to start rewriting amendments start with the worst one, the first one. Time to remove fairy tales from legal documents. Remove any mention of religion plz.