
@petarro: I think the idea of getting such pictures in the first place makes him a perv.

They can't be serious...

My birthday is coming up... perhaps I can justify spending the $0.99.

When rebooting doesn't work, sometimes hitting it really hard does the trick.

@Tzalaf: Densities must vary upon each colour drink.

@Ding-Dang: Awesome show. Not to wander off topic, but did you see last nights episode?

Everything is better in space... except of course... bungee jumping?

@FriarNurgle: I guess you could say I'm an expert in this category.

@monkunashi: Apparently some high level eggecutive lawyers.

@#16 for the win: I'm sure if this ever goes to court, the evidence will simply be to scrambled to warrant any consequences.

@Dexomega: No, I was all cooped up at work, didn't have the time.

@ReD-BaRoN: Eggaxctly what I was thinking.

@pirrowed: Nah, its okay. He's only eggsaggerating.

@kaffeen: " to hit him where it hurts - his wallet."