
Look at the picture in this article... now look back here....

@Nest: God bless you my friend. I'm playing Eponas song in respect for this post.

If I had a gun with one bullet and I came across this spider in the jungle... I'd shoot myself.

@RandomNeurons: People stare at you in the washroom.. Retina Display.

@Tristan.I: "Just keep your hands off anything that resembles a seam."

@EtrnL_Frost: You're right. It's like the guy who tries to start a clap and nobody follows... damn this is just getting awkward.

I have a question:

@ps61318: One too many french fries? Happens to the best of us my friend, don't let it bother you.

Can you navigate to the site of the BP oil spill?

Can you say Fironic?

@typica1cat: 60 minutes in an hour, so 60 x 24 minutes in a day = 1440 minutes in a day.