@nuksies: Hum, well played.
@nuksies: Hum, well played.
@kingcrim84: Any type of risk is worth it for bionic limbs. I commend you my friend.
@crimsoneye: He's obviously on some sort of rampage. Him and his effing w's.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: "I thought 7 inches would be too small but that actually looks like the perfect size."
Is that a Samsung Galaxy Tab in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
What about the Grilled Mac and Cheese Sandwhich?
@JakeMG: ♂ Man: MagicTrackpad to the rescue!
@demonheart1514: Ouch!
@BratPAQ: They probably saw your netbook and got pissed you didn't own an iPad. Then they probably realized all hope was gone and left.
Jesus thats blurry!
@ericesque: Same here. Lebron James, maybe you should get your eyes checked.
@Zazu_Yen: Downward spiral.
@CornerSka: I think its Cookie Monster.
@Wivyx: "...Constantly swinging your arms... ...would tire you out before you finished..."
What if they could find a way to put these into phones?
@MasAer: It would seam that way?
At least the new Rockband for PS3 won't need to include a microphone...
@teh1andonlym0: what's the deal with even trying? we tried before. then we analyzed the comment mechanics, deduced that the rest of the people wouldn't bother to laugh and sat down in a chair.
The best part will be when LetsTryThisAgain logs in and see's he has 1500 replies.
@trunicated: How dare you.