
lol... I was skimming th rough the article, the second I saw that billboard I couldn't help but laugh.

Antarctica 2020

Pay per minute?

Facebook - where people can have hundreds of friends and still be losers.

@Eric Bringslid: I promoted your comment because it gives me peace of mind. Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight instead of having nightmares.

I just diarrhea'd my pants.

@KamWrex: It's only just begun...

@tw@t: That's what she said. Minus the i.

20 apps in one folder!?

@Jay Phelps: Ironic is Jobs turning out to be a ninja master.

@dcalt21: Uh, I think you mean Social Networking.

Whats the difference between a hack and a trick?

No thanks.

The bot below must've had an upgrade:

@freetobelee: Makes sense. Nobody wears socks with sandles these days.

lol that pic is AWESOME!