"you get what you pay for."
"you get what you pay for."
@BRuddy: Building Kick! EXPLOSION!: Free O'Donnell!
@adeft: Ya, the stench can have that effect on the tear ducts.
@MikeofLA: lol
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Awesome. Just awesome my man.
@pettiblay: Or maybe just open the window and look outside?
@CPD: Ah... then we are certainly in a pickle, aren't we mate?
@maggeimerc: AirPlay does do video from the iPad (and other iOS devices?).
Beam me up Scotty...
Failed pics included?
@Robotronic: Only if they're un-id'd, otherwise no way of proving they're not duped.
"Failing that, there are other ways to get that information." He declined to be specific.
Frozen orb!
@briefhistory: Whaaat? I don't know about you, but technology or machinery does not run my life at all.
@JakeMertz: Happens to the best of us my man.
@Weiner: Ay... I'd be lying if I said I didn't just Google search for the image.
@Unholy_Hero: Ay brother... to the death... we fight, for freedom! And for our fallen star brothers!!!!!!!!!
Steve said it first folks! The iPad is truly magical.