
@Potentaint: If I squint really hard, I can kind of make it all out.

What about an iPad?

Yeeeeeeeehooooooooooooooo COWBOY!


More like Borophyll!

@FellGrey: God bless you my friend.

Am I the only one who hoped we'd see an elephant covered in killer ants in that video?

This will help all the teeny boppers who visit the Apple Store.

Still stuck on charcoal?

I can't help but be reminded of the episode from The Office where Dwight sets off the fire alarm with a planned fire.

@LightMage210: Involves storing them somewhere. You heard Jobs, he said storage is out, spending billions of dollars to watch content is in!

Killing off the older models... Classic Apple.

Introducing Ping - it's like Facebook, only... umm, only... well, it's not exactly like Facebook, it has... err... it has... Scott, can you help?