
@catalinamarr: They will pay my friend... they will pay. Or err, rather we'll pay them I guess?

iPing thinking about whether or not to go along with this social network.

Netflix on AppleTV = TSN turning point.

@SenorElChimpo: lol I know, I just couldn't stop laughing when I saw that comic, then your post reminded me of it.

I just pee'd alittle.

00:47 - The Human Centipede.

I thought them bastards were supposed to stay in District 9?

I'm an Apple fanboy and I approve this message.

What the point?

Does it come with an iPadLock!?

Image fail... awkward.

The Dharma Initiative would be proud.

Anyone who has taken Stats 101 can tell you that drawing conclusions for the mass amounts of mice users from 12 participants is just down right silly.

@Lupison: yes... "student version"... ;)

Give me the power... I beg of YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snap... and so it is.

@potentiallyunsafe: Well, this is a dream world my friend, anything can happen.