
I'm praying for the iTV! No seriously, I am.

Star me.

How do blind people listen to music?

@Tim Vyas: I think one is Yahoo mail and the other is the search engine.

"Hey, I'm a photographer, okay?"

@Sam Spratt: Perfect for my retina display!

@HPe: lol, once I properly plugged in my earphones I knew instantly that it had been playing out of the speaker the whole time.

Funny story: Today on the train, I was watching Season 2 of Dexter on my iPhone, then about 10 minutes in, I realized my headphones weren't fully plugged in, and it had been playing through the speaker the whole time!

If I squint really really hard, I think I can make out my website I made on my Mac!

Ah give me a break.

Pff... iPad is still better.

@MaNiFeX: lol. no worries, all in good fun my man.

You ever wonder why the 5's on calculators have have a bump on them?

@Squalor: Return of the furless bear.

@Randy87: Awesome. Just awesome.