
"Hey this is a really nice pla-'Whoaa'"

@jcnaquin: Dude, I'm sorry, waaaay off topic, what... the eff... is that in your avatar?

Is that a 27" iMac?

You know what they say, theres no such thing as bad publicity.

@RodofGod: You just got starred?

@FriarNurgle: Even room for some spare carrots eh mate?

So does this mean it wasn't stupid of me to spend $89 on a pair of Apple earbuds?

I'll stick with my Atari.

Does he do dishes... in his TOILET!?!?!?

Guts. His words, not mine.

Hmm... earthquake bed and you only need an allen key to put it together.

Jee golly papa! Dem gators be breeding in the sewers again!

Nice, how much is... oh nevermind, I just finished reading the title.