I came to suggest this.
I came to suggest this.
What defines an object? Is a house not an object? A sign post? Are those also not locations? Must you be inside something to be at a location?
There's a great youtube video of this here:
"Like a sir" is my new favorite thing. I don't know if attributing it to you is correct because I haven't done any research into the matter, so I'll just attribute it to you. Thank you.
Forza. Nuff said. Oh, and Steel Battalion. Yeah that's right.
Yeah, I'm going with the Asus Taichi for the same reason, if the damn thing ever comes out. I've got a Surface, and I like it quite a bit, but it is slow as balls compared to win 8 on my desktop.
Yeah, I also don't get your Sinking Ship comment. Any of the Flickr users I know are not wanting it to be the next giant social network. It is a place for photographers, not hipsters. It's not supposed to be for everybody. It is still relevant, and is still the best photography sharing and viewing site on the net.
Ha. I was wondering how people were going to respond to this comment. Personally, I bet you're right.
I'm stoked about this! I sure hope that "people" care.
Gah! What a tease! I tried it, opening it up in "desktop mode" - which I heard is the only way to get Flash to work on every site, hoping it would be a loophole. But no dice. Seems like an RT app would be right up their alley though, in terms of interface goodness. Hope they do it soon.
Do you have any insight on the emotional rollercoaster that was the old Helfet designed F-Type? I and many others were very excited about that design being built, and it seemed imminent until who knows what happened.
This, this, a thousand times THIS! The comparison over at wmpoweruser.com doesn't really show the source images with the loupe zoom - so I'd love to see those details.
I don't understand why people don't read the other people's responses before responding to you. Anyway, glad FB is finally built in.
So I've gotten approximately 60,000 responses to my comment, and yours is the only one that made me smile. Thanks for silly hashtag instead of the snark.
10,000 times agree!! I still think the iPhone 4 is the perfect size. My Lumia 900 teeters precariously in my hand whenever I try to do certain things. I would like the Lumia 920 in the Lumia 800 form factor perhaps. But yes, I am so glad you wrote this article; maybe they will listen!
Yeah, I think you're going to be unhappy with WP8 as well then; I'm pretty sure Bing Maps (powered by Nokia Maps) will be hard-wired to be the default maps app. I have found that Nokia Maps is, like you say, more finicky than google maps when searching. Sigh!
Well shoot, thanks folks. I somehow never heard that term after being in 3D modeling and Compositing in the 90s and switching to web dev in the 2000's and only learning about CGI in the web dev space. In my face.
The only defense that I can think of for high MP cameras is being able to crop the hell out of your image in post, so you can recompose like crazy. I can understand that.