Magic Beef Cruiser GT

Boy, I bet ol' Vettel is bummed that he won't be getting his hands on that! ...what's that? La Ferrari? 488? Oh. Oh I see. Nevermind.


Well, that certainly is "just an opinion" sir, and you are certainly entitled to it.

Sounds like you're a child who should probably step away from the computer before you find out what the internet is really for.

And is this something that's common for people to carry where you come from? And for both genders? Seems pretty feminine to me, like carrying a little coin purse or mini-pocketbook. I'm going to assume you're from a very different region than me because where I come from "dink" is an insult and doesn't make any

Okay, so we've suddenly decided we're still using oil and gas in this bio-car? Sounds like a pretty terrible idea to me, Weather and Darkness. Wouldn't work at all. Biological beings are capable of making all manner of fluids, of all levels of viscosity and flammability. Seems like a much better idea to me than

I do have a $2 in my pocket right now. They're in unusually high circulation in RI I suppose. Also, what's a change holder?

While that's certainly an interesting idea, I don't much like it. I think the full-bio route (while more improbable) is more interesting.

Oh I completely agree, anyone who believes this bullshit is indeed a dumbshit, and I hope there aren't many out there, because this kind of journalism needs to be stopped in its tracks ASAP. Educating the public will kill the root at its source.

I think the difference is he made a logical argument while you just called him a piece of shit out of the blue. Bitchy undertones or not, you can't solve that by responding with bitchy overtones

I think the issue here is that you're inferring a lot of things that aren't really there. I'm sorry if it came across with bitchy-sounding undertones, I very plainly just meant to point out a very basic and well-known statistic that made your assumption (most iPhone owners are Mac owners) seem strange to me. As for

Mhm. I for one think white people are incredibly cool, and black people just really aren't cool at all. I'd definitely pay a lot more for a white person. Oh wait, racist? Yeah.

There's always that one guy...

I'll have to disagree with you on that one. Turbo spooling noise ftw.

Uh, these are classics of an entirely different era? The 80s/90s Japanese era is coming for collectors. Give it another 10 years or so when "kids" who grew up with them as used cars will have become established in life and start to have lots of disposable income as their kids move on and they get promotions at

He didn't say or suggest anything like that. All he said was he hopes these two cars become cop cars.

Here you go (and I hate using Hero ever, but this cop does a great job of not beating or shooting anyone while managing to snag three cars in one stop. Nice job.)


If you can afford a GT-R or a Hellcat, you can afford a track day.