
This is my theory. On the rare occasion that I realize I’ve just taken a bite of something with gluten the responsible reaction would be to stop eating it, but I just say, “Fuck it!” and go right on stuffing my face. I already ate it. It is already going to suck. I might as well enjoy whatever it is.

Edited to partially take that back - MTA had an app come out a few years ago where you could see where trains were along certain lines, but if I remember right it didn’t have an overall map, you had to pick by line not station, and it didn’t give directions.

I was vaguely listening to an NPR piece on the upcoming city council vote in New York a few days ago and several callers mentioned their frustration at the lack of a yellow cab hail app. If I could hail a yellow cab the way I can hail an Uber, I would absolutely do that.

Who are these people who want to eat meat flavored potato chips? And is there an island we can ship them all off to to live apart from those of us in civilized society?

We know you have rights, but if you exercise them we have to actually do some police work and that just can’t be how things are supposed to work.

You didn’t get drugs? I got drugs! My doctor wrote me a script for a muscle relaxant ahead of time and had me take it before my appointment. I think I love her more now, if that is possible.

True facts. They do have malt in them, it is a sad story.

Lately he's been inspecting his nails a lot and staring at the ceiling. He could at least pretend to be paying attention!

They do the test from your pap smear sample, so I assume people's gyn's are asking "Hey, do you want us to test for HPV at the same time?" My doctor tests for it every time I go because I've had an abnormal pap before.

Very much agreed! To add: Gardasil protects against 4 strains of HPV - 6, 11, 16 and 18. 16 and 18 account for 70% of cervical cancers and 6 and 11 account for about 90% of genital warts. However, there are 12 or 13 strains known to cause cancer, so the vaccine isn't perfect protection and should not replace

This would be funny, except that during periods of famine in the Soviet Union people actually used sawdust to stretch flour... so... yeah.

It is really striking to me because part of the reason Putin has such high approval ratings is that when he came to power he did an awful lot to stabilize and grow the economy... The economy he is now about to ruin.

It wasn't really historically part of Russia, it only seems that way because it was part of Russia before it was part of Ukraine. And even if it being part of Ukraine is recent, we should still care about the way in which the territory was pulled back into Russia.

We should not start as in we the United States or, as was suggested farther up the thread, the Netherlands. I've seen interviews with people who fought in the separatist militias, and heard from friends and family who live in Eastern and Western Ukraine. The most notable one is here.

A significant portion of separatist fighters are not Ukrainians, they are people from Russian, Armenia, and other former Soviet Union states. There are plenty of people who live in Eastern Ukraine who would prefer closer to ties to Russia over the West, but they don't make up the majority of those in militias.

Good lord.

Wait, so when you address her you say, "Hey, Susan-Michael Charlotte-James, do you want to go grab a coffee?" since she goes by her first and middle names? Or do you just say "Hey, Susan-Michael, blah blah blah?"?

Yes, there is. (: For starters the Ukrainian government dropped the article on independence from the Soviet Union (there are no articles in Ukrainian, but even in Ukrainian the prepositional modification has changed from "on Ukraine" to "in Ukraine"). But even beyond that "the Ukraine" carries implications of the

Correction: "...while flying over Ukraine."

Agreed. He is immensely talented and practiced in his technique, but he hasn't gone anywhere interesting with it on a conceptual level. I can admire these, but personally I want more from my art that simple reproduction.