
damn you people need to get off your soap boxes. For fucks sake, you women are whiners. Are you all really all that surprised or upset that the more attractive ones get "objectified." I mean really, does everyone in this country have be so militant and Puritanical? Oh right, this country was established exactly by

Dude, I totally agree. Fucking hate these stupid repeating animations. What a waste. Good thing any and all are able to be easily blocked with an adblock plugin.

Guns are stupid easy to use and that's the problem. Any idiot can shoot a gun and any high speed projectile can cause lots of damage (yea, even that tasteless joke about driving a car into at crowd). If they were complicated to use, then it would require proper training and then, still should require at least some

Pretty typical writing for this author.

His name could be Arthur Dent for all I care. My lack of respect for his work wouldn't change.

You are my hero.

Oh so you mean this is a David Lindholf penned script? Its like Lost. no really, they aren't dead, but they are dead.

I remember the days when Gizmodo was independent and staunch in its blogging. ya'll need to get out of the grips of Gawker Media.

Really dude? This is what you thought was good?

At the formation of the solar system, mass of spiraling material, referred to as the asceration disk, coalesces around an object of large mass (our Sun). Its the forces that are involved in the rotational motion of the particles that tends to put objects in almost the same plane. Hence, why all the major objects in

really? who the fuck cares what sort of helicopter it is. more important things were going on. sheesh people. way to lose sight of the main point.

Dear Michelle Bay (lets face you look like an ugly chick),

alas poor Cyrano and his nose.

Life feeds on life feeds on life.

So the quest for the Pick of Destiny still carries on!

Sam, why do you work for gizmodo anyway? the vast majority of your articles are highly opinionated and angry and it just looks like your using Gizmodo as your soapbox.

Always amusing when the person who made a highly uninformed statement, never comes back to answer the multitude of others that correct. TBAZ, Im looking at you. Come on back, defend your stance and gain a little respect.

you have entirely missed the point of this installation.

Yeah, there is a reason its UN-watchable. Like really? Whats next? A movie based on ever known board game? There is a reason they are called BORED games. People don't play them when they have something better to do. Urgh. There goes a few minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Just gorgeous.