
It’s pretty stunning that this fucktard professional talent evaluator didn’t know what conference Ohio State plays in. Especially considering that Ohio State has been in the same conference since 1912 and the conference has had the same name since 1949.

I had seen Dwayne play in the Big 12—is that the big 12 anymore?

“It just felt white, y’know?”

I was in a play space with my toddler a few weeks ago and Baby Shark came on the sound system. It was like the DJ put on a banger at the club. Every kid in there basically did the toddler equivalent of, “This is my jam!”

welcome back

Am I the only person who doesn’t see it in the x-ray? I feel like this is the worst Magic Eye picture ever.

Yep, we’re definitely fucked, because the primaries haven’t even started yet and liberal bloggers are already trying to destroy their own.

I might not have the strength...

When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.

+1 for your Stargate reference.

I think the best Star Wars tech would be teleporters, you know, just like Kirk and Picard used to get places.

He was only down there for a few seconds, but his recording device recorded 18 hours of static.

JuJu is the best kind of nerd. 

You know, Jeff Sessions may want to check out the other references to immigrants in the Bible. I seem to recall one or two...

I said, ‘Tristan, we ain’t cut the same’

These are the 33 Democrats who probably think Lucy will let Charlie Brown finally kick that football too.

That is an excellent point. Going into this game I’m sure the New England Patriots were going to give it maybe 75%. I mean there’s a lot of pressure to win, and Belichick runs a pretty tight ship, but it gets cold sometimes and it’s late in the year, and I would be willing to bet they just aren’t properly motivated.

Yup, used to be an alcoholic (still am, albeit a non-drinking one). Got help from a medical institute (NOT the AA), slowly cut back with help, am still clean and only rarely have a craving (at which point i make myself some tea).

If it is a physical addiction it is extremely dangerous to quit cold turkey. Please don’t to suddenly quit if you are a heavy drinker, seek medical advice first.

This is one profoundly moronic take.