Magical Pansexual Spokesthing

Not so much in Son of the Mask. It takes a truly soul-draining movie for me to have absolutely no reaction to Steven Wright saying "A TV show about a dog and a baby competing for Dad's attention. I love it!"

I'm pretty sure When The Leaves Blow Away was the first comedy special I saw. My Dad got the DVD, and we both still find the whole thing hysterical. As a matter of fact, the One Soldier short film may have been what motivated me to start learning more about film.

I'm still waiting for the movie where Sam Rockwell goes on a quest to prove he isn't some sloppy wet pussy for us to fuck.

Don't shoot the messenger, but in 10 years, the only way stories will be told will be in snapchats.

Continuing stories of this nature, one of the books about Second City describes a time where Severn Darden, Second City's first true "eccentric" cast member, was in a meeting where executives were trying to figure out a new catchphrase for Coca-Cola. He spent most of the meeting sitting in a corner and chewing on a


"I'll be right back. Did you know you can refill your soda here as many times as you want? And it's free!"

*Tosses Emelio Estevez popcorn labelled "Popcorn" after bizarre shootout*

I loved that it was David OReilly who designed the alien video game in Her. Perfect combination of his and Spike Jonze's sensibilities (as well as the fact that Jonze is the voice of the alien). I'd hoped the games from Her would be on the list.

I was making a lasagna… for one.

The appearance of his ghost was a HUGE laugh in my theater.

*Sadly kicks spaceship, spaceship falls to pieces*

Rap artists, ventriloquists. Blood has been shed. Lives have been lost. Mr. Spencer, Killer Be Killed, Dingle, Professor Murder, Pickles, Mr. Barnett, what is it going to take to put an end to all this?

He's like a homosexual Fonzie!

What's Noo With Noonan?

Tell you the truth, personally, I think she's screwy.




*Runs off, slips*