I am referring to the wonderful ALT here, of course
I live in Washington State too, and I find it interesting that people here voted to outlaw smoking then voted to legalize pot. You know, the smoking ban extends to the other stuff too ya damn hippies.
PLEASE let her say no!!!!!
There's a reason why people in Seattle drink so much coffee
I also suffer from lifelong depression, and have been on several meds that made me feel awesome...until they didn't. Google "Prozac poopout," which seems to seems to be a thing with all the SSRIs not just Prozac. For me, it even happened with Wellbutrin. My docs kept upping my dose, hoping for the dark cloud to go…
How about mentioning the fact that, since women STILL tend to earn less than men, lesbian households are more likely to be poor?
Not even Ron Swanson would be able to handle that vile Rogue/Voodoo Maple Bacon beer
They usually put the old season on Netflix around the time the new season starts on AMC. Think I've heard that season 7 starts next spring (?)
It's called acting! And comedy! Comedic acting!!
My dream is that someone will make a movie about your husband and his French bulldog. During the day they will cheer up old people and sick children, and at night they will solve crimes.
In what universe is Tucker Max a "literary darling"????
Are you kidding - Jesus was fucking ripped!