fuck you coward
fuck you coward
I like how the ROOT is now actively trying to recruit Hispanics against “white Americans” as if there is going to be some kind of race war.
fuck anyone who wants to abolish ICE. seriously what the fuck is wrong with you.
ashley looks a little dark to be polish. prolly italian/hispanic, which is the same thing,
the Muslim person is white too retard.
the dumbass who wrote this piece cant tell if shes italian or hispanic, which is the same thing btw. Otherwise she would headline it as a racist attack on a muslim instead of an anti muslim rant.
damn Id wife that italian and or Latina chick. she owned that muzzie.
latina/italian, same fucking thing
damn Anne Marie you are the goods. Muslim bitch prolly said some dumb shit and my italian princess was keeping her in check. why the fuck you wearing a hijab in America anyway, will your dad, brother, husband kill you if you dont.
She sounds like another retarded liberal scumbag
Sneaking into a country is more serious than a parking ticket dumbass
Love how these liberal psychos who write for this site still never mention that these people did NOT enter the country at a legal POE, refugees or not they are detained for entering at an ILLEGAL POE. That’s why they are detained that’s why they are not with their kids. Enough of the mushy crying bullshit over…
this was totally written cuz the aggressors are white guys and Jordan is black. thats all this is.
well have you been on the Root lately, those racist scumbags say weird shit all the time and are celebrated for it by black people and white people who hate themselves.
welcome to America, the land where you even saying a word that starts with a letter N and ends in a R can get you fired, because now were taught to be so afraid of it.
ya blacks dont play chess wtf was that honkey thinking. Ofcourse blacks are shooting each other nonstop and blocking expressways after CheckMate.
we all knew blacks hate mexicans forreal. this site and all its fake ass writers are just fronting when they pretend to cry about some illegals being separated from their stupid illegal kids.
oh ya thats right in the real world black americans hate hispanics, unlike on this website which is dying to like bring hispanics to the black team to fight white people.
incognito sounds hispanic.