Michael Harrot got dissed by a whitegirl for prom 30 years ago An he’s still sad
Michael Harrot got dissed by a whitegirl for prom 30 years ago An he’s still sad
Yes because stupid stories like this will only divide and make blacks hate white people more for the few who do dumb stuff. Therefore this white person did this so all whites do this
Wearing socks in a pool is fucking gross. Good for her
Damn Simona had those baby’s reduced for nothing
It’s either that or empty handed from the butler trade
So don’t be an erratic gun toting black male maybe
Kings can have that one trick pony
He was a good kid, he lit up every room he walked into. Or in this case the cops did 😀
Fuck her, she lost, end of story. Guess white people gave up on her lame ass. Yay!
lol even Pelosi doesnt want to touch that piece of shit alcoholic hack Maxine Waters
I hope...she goes to....Prison.
bet the baby was in better shape after the 14 months.
Ya they didnt kidnap the children stupid, the kids idiot parents thought it was a good idea to sneak them into a foreign country, they will be together soon as they are deported.
Ya its really fascist to have border laws and not welcome people who illegally sneak into your country. Ya so terrible.
about fucking time Merkel.
The writers at The Root have offered the waterfall a lifetime contract because it did a good service by killing 3 wypipo.
so what is the end game for all these weird people protesting, just have an open border, abolish immigration processes and just say fuck it??
this garbage borders on almost wanting to defend a shitty group of MS13 just because Trump talks so bad about em.
dont mexicans hate black people as much as other white people.
I dont blame him, Mexicans listen to circus music Trash