You are Coo-Coo Coo-Coo
You are Coo-Coo Coo-Coo
So your saying welfare is not a major problem of most black communities?
ok stupid they are not “migrant” children, they are the spawn of Illegal immigrants. I know you want to make them sound all warm and fuzzy, but they are in fact ILLEGALS.
hmm an evolved primate that can type. Now to get the rest of your species off of welfare and introduce a crash course in how not to reproduce, since I think we have too many of you all already.
so its racist to say nigga unless your black? who came up with that rule. People in “real” life dont get offended by it unlike the online creep universe of liberals.
ya but that was built by french and dutch
They are deporting ILLEGAL immigrants not Americans, still is perplexing how any retard doesn’t understand that deporting people who come here illegally is a normal function of any country. And still perplxing that most retards here dont understand that criminals who go to jail cant take their kids with them just…
wackos like her and people watching her, make me glad trump is president.
jesus why does she sound like a trans person, heavy voice, foaming at the mouth. Rabies maybe?
Ya its a prank call, Sterns people were legends at it. Does not make the president dumb though, those guys who prank are just realy good.
nothing to do with male and female, has to do with someone who is insane spouting nonsense and people of the same color eating it up solely because they are the same color, and these same people say the same about Trump and white people.
this bitch just calls anyone who doesnt agree with her bullshit a “supremacist” fuck her.
so why arent black people speaking up and against an openly racist, hateful, bigoted website like the root. Your happy that some cracker spoke out against a guy saying the word “nigg” while your website spews out hate speech daily yet disguises it as just the fight against all the racist pink skinned honkeys.
whats wrong with him, he talks like a down low fanook.
or I just enjoy seeing American law carried out to a T.
Ok you think a MLB team is going to fire someone just for calling some kid a “monkey”. This probably was just a oppurtunity to get rid of him so Gardenhire can put in his own guy.
cant this old crusty crypt keeper looking bitch just die already.
these protesters are absolute vile scum and I pray for the day Trump enacts law that allows secret service to just shoot these scumbags for bothering government officials.
insulting Maxine wack job Waters in any way is AWESOME.
You idiots think that Mexicans like black people? Blacks can kiss Mexican ass all they want, but to Mexicans you are thought of the same way as to a racist “white” American.